Category Archives: Events

17-18/11/2018 【The Salvation Army • Family Adventure 2018】

【The Salvation Army • Family Adventure 2018】event has been successfully completed in Hong Kong Park[...]

17/10/2018 【Hong Kong Entrepreneur Goes International by Showing “secret magic” at the Headquarter of United Nations】

Dr. Kelvin Chan, born in the grassroots family, has been invited by United Nations organization[...]

16/7/2018【Glorious Light Neibourhood Centre: Summer paper Workshop x Dancing Experience】

On 16 July, 2018, Korean Corner has welcomed 20 children/youths from grassroots families of East[...]

9/5/2018【Road show @ Cafe De Coral HQ】

Korean Corner was invited by Cafe De Coral to participate in staff offer Road Show[...]

21-22/4/2018【Earth Day x Korean Corner USA】

KCUSA team spirit! This year, our US team has  built a 100% recycleable paper maze[...]


The event was hosted by 8 different  Government departments in mid-March 2018 at ZCE, Kowloon[...]

04/02/2018 【DIY “Peace” Mushroom Stool】~ UNESCO Hong Kong Association (UNESCO) x Korean Corner x The Commercial Press

UNESCO, Korean Corner and The Commercial Press appreciated all participants for building your own style[...]


Korean Corner designed and assembled a 10.35m x 10.47m 100% recyclable paper maze to the[...]

9/10/2015【E – MAX 綠識嘉年華】

活動日期:9-11/10 及 16-18/1paperworld by Korean Corner又一有趣韓國環保紙品大攪作,即將在九龍灣E-Max展開。 連續2個星期五、六、約定你……玩個痛快! 10/10 及 17/10,EMAX 將會於下午 1 時提供一節免費 workshop,並免費提供可愛的韓國紙製錢箱 (部份動物錢箱,於投硬幣時,其耳朵/翼會晃動)![...]

30/9/2015【『關注腦退化 由你我做起』慈善義賣活動】

『關注腦退化 由你我做起』慈善義賣活動於 2015年9 月 16 日(星期三)正式開始! A charity bazaar themed as “Care about Alzheimer’s disease,[...]